Tuesday, October 30, 2007

something else...

this will be slightly longer.
life is....
why this question again? because... that's what are here for.
our thoughts are the damnest, most powerful invention that someone come up with.
we think.
then we contradict.
be strong. we said. but damn we are weak.
move on. we said. but damn we don't.
forgive. we said. no, we hate.
forget. we said. no, it haunts.

a smile or just...
optimism or just...
what's everything for?
what are we for?
for love. we said.
for those who cares.
aye, all for kinship, friendship, all the bonds that life has created mystically.
look up.
i see the sun rising.
the clear sky and pink clouds.
a beauty.
don't miss them.
alongside are those we care.

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